1980 – 5th July
Aircraft Illustrated magazine review Sept 1980 – The USAF Open House held at RAF Fairford on 5 July provided a good selection of current USAF types lined up for display, including a pair of F-4Ds from Spangdahlem flanking an RF-4C from Alconbury, F-111E, A-10A and OV-10 through to one of the resident KC-135 tankers. The RAF put in Jaguars, Hunters and a VC-10, while the real surprise came from the French Air Force with a Mirage IIIC, carrying a Matra R530 air-to-air missile under the fuselage, and an attendant Magister. Even the US Army got into the act with a Chinook and Huey Cobra from Germany. To the pleasure of early visitors and the frustration of late arriving photographers there were no barriers around the aircraft.
1981 – 16th August
Aircraft Illustrated magazine review Nov 1981 – 16th August the USAF Open Day at RAF Fairford was a very low key event with about a dozen static aircraft and a limited flying programme. The most interesting aircraft were a pair of West German Fiat G91s, 30+46 G91R/3 and 34+01 G91T/3, from Lkg 41, making what must be one of the type’s last UK appearances as they are being replaced by Alpha Jets.
1982 – 25th July
1983 – 17th July
A write up was provided in the Aviation Enthusiasts Rovers Organisation (AERO) newsletter
1984 – 22nd July

1986 – 3rd August